Friday, December 27, 2019

Different - Youngme Moon (Harvard)

Different 디퍼런트 - 넘버원을 넘어 온리원으로 

문영미 (Youngme Moon) Harvard 경영대학원 교수 저

I'm looking for a"difference".

The incredible array of choices available to consumers, Moon asserted, and the drive of businesses to stay hyper-competitive, has pounded every product and service into a remarkable "sameness."

"And what's perplexing," said Moon, "is everyone ... cares so deeply about differentiation. They're not only committed to it. They are somewhat obsessed with it. It's all they want to talk about. And yet ... all I see around me is sameness."

Another example: Google's advertising platform. It completely eliminates the possibility for creativity; no images, static font and color. But it is precisely those limitations, says Moon, that "allowed Google to build an advertising platform simpler, more flexible and more powerful than any advertising platform on earth."

 "If you want to be different," said Moon, "you must be willing to ignore your critics and in some cases your customers too."

Different - Youngme Moon (Harvard)

Different 디퍼런트 - 넘버원을 넘어 온리원으로  문영미 (Youngme Moon) Harvard 경영대학원 교수 저 I'm looking for a"difference". The incredible ar...