Literature Review format
1) theory
2) methods (iv = ... dv = ...)
3) evidence (detail 버리고 argument에 초점)
4) conclusion
5) critique
- Questions
- Other evidence? Alternative explanation?
- Potential Ideas (for my paper)
- Destroy/murder paper
Different - Youngme Moon (Harvard)
Different 디퍼런트 - 넘버원을 넘어 온리원으로 문영미 (Youngme Moon) Harvard 경영대학원 교수 저 I'm looking for a"difference". The incredible ar...
Hans J. Morgenthau , 1948 (2006, 7th edition) Politics Among Nations , chap. 1-3 * Core elements of Morgenthau's philosophy of...
Martin Hollis & Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding International Relations, 1990 [Summary] * Social sciences thrive on...
Lobell, Ripsman, and Taliaferro Neoclassical realism, the state, and foreign policy 2009 This volume examines the intervening role of th...