Friday, August 30, 2013

Sandler, Terrorism and Game theory

Todd Sandler
Terrorism and Game theory

1)      Theory
Terrorism explained by game theory:1) terrorists’ choice of target, 2) government’s choice between preemption and deterrence, 3) gov concessionary policy when terrorists are hadliners and moderates.

2)      Method
Game theory. Positivism. Rational choice

3)      Evidence
-          Gov to choose between preemptive/proactive and reactive -> generates game theory between govs.
-          Terrorist to choose who to attack. Game tree for target(business or tourist)
-          Possibility of adverse selection(상대 고르기) increasese with hardliner’s demands. Cost of violence goes up, this likelihood goes down. When gov’s and hardliner’s preference converges, cost of violence(V) = sole determinant of adverse-selection equilibrium. (??)
-          -> this is why diaspora are essential in perpetuating violence, although they need a solution. It generates perpetuating hostilities.
4)      Conclusion
5)      Critique

Use of game theory and model necessary? You still need to interprete the model.

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