Friday, August 30, 2013

Pape, Strategic logic of Suicide Terrorism

Robert A. Pape
Strategic logic of Suicide Terrorism

1)      Theory
Rational choice

2)      Method
Large N case study: 188 suicide terrorism worldwide from 1980-2001.

3)      Evidence/argument
Suicide terrorism cannot be explained by religious fanaticism nor psychological explanation. Rather, when analyzing 188 cases, this study chose that suicide terrorism follows a strategic logic, to make significant territorial concessions from liberal democracies.
-          Target: modern liberal democracies
-          Purpose: territory
More gains after the resort to suicide operations.

4)      Conclusion
Lesson learned: Western democracies should improve homeland security, and teach terrorist that the lessons of 1980-90s no longer hold.

5)      Critique

>> Strategic calculation means trade-offs between gain and lose.
How can judge/compare the life of human and the territory gained? Can we set a certain number of people died is worthy for a certain amount of territory? The suicide terror attack is based on totalitarianism, an entity comes first then individual, and the individuals can sacrifice in the name of whole. There is not much strategic calculation: it is just gain territory or not.

è Snider! 

Pape is example of explanation
Revealed preferences.
Condition to be Rational(snidal), :
1) goal seeking/ max utility
2) rank preferences

3) Transitive a>b b>c a>c

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